Know Biography of Barack Obama, Chronology And U.S President

On this day we will make a brief summary of the biography of Barack Obama, the current President of the United States of America. A man who has gone down in history as the first African Americans to become U.S. president. Moreover, recently was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Without doubt, an outstanding personality in international politics. Here, then this little introduction to the life of Barack-Obama.
Barack Hussein-Obama Jr. (Honolulu, August 4, 1961) is an American politician born in Hawaii. He is currently a candidate for the U.S. presidency by the Democratic Party. In addition, he holds the position of Junior Senator in Illinois. It is the fifth African-American legislator in the United States Senate, the third since the era of reconstruction, and the first Democrat. On Tuesday June 3, 2008, beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary vote for the presidential elections of 2008, so it can become the first black president in U.S. history.
Born in Honolulu (Hawaii Islands) on August 4, 1961. His full name is Barack Hussein-Obama II and now has 48 years of age. He is married to Michelle Robinson (whom we know as Michelle Obama) with whom he had two daughters: Malia Ann and Natasha.Barack Obama was educated at Columbia University and the Harvard Law School. In his tenure as attorney performed community service, he worked in the field of civil rights and was a university professor.
The first count of relevance of Barack-Obama was in the Illinois State Legislature from 1997 to 2004. In 2005 managed to enter the United States Senate as a representative of the state of Illinois, being representative of the minority Democratic Party.In the 109 th United States Congress, Barack Obama did important work as a senator. Sponsored the legislation to control conventional weapons. Promoted public scrutiny of federal funds.
While during the 110th Congress, Barack-Obama defended the laws related to lobbying and electoral fraud prevention. It dealt with the ecology raising awareness about global warming. He also worked on issues related to nuclear terrorism and assisting the soldiers involved in Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.On February 10, 2007 Barack-Obama launched his candidacy for president. After winning the Democratic Party inside the Hillary Clinton, devoted himself to the campaign.
The climax of the biography of Barack-Obama is probably his victory in the presidential elections of November 4, 2008, against Republican candidate John McCain. Hisinauguration as president of the United States of America was the January 20, 2009. Joseph Biden took with him as vice president.The work of Barack-Obama as president of the United States include some aspects briefly. In his early days in office showed that his policy was to distance himself from his predecessor, George W. Bush.
For example, Barack Obama called the U.S. military to prepare a plan for evacuating U.S. troops from Iraq. Established that by 2010 was to close the Guantanamo detention center, reviewing all the processes of the detainees there.In the context of public health, Obama introduced a law to provide health coverage to four million uninsured children. In turn, presented to Congress a proposal for health reform that all Americans have health coverage.In terms of economy, Barack Obama was faced with the crisis inherited from the Bush administration. On February 17, 2009, the President signed the Economic Stimulus Act, which was then approved by Congress.
The Economic Stimulus Act of 787,000 million dollars earmarked for investment in public health, education, urban infrastructure, and energy. Besides the financial rescue plan includes tax breaks, tax incentives and direct assistance to individuals.Another of the most important biography of Barack-Obama was the October 9, 2009, upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his diplomatic efforts towards nuclear disarmament.
He graduated from Columbia University and the prestigious Harvard Law School Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review Law Review. He then worked as a community organizer and practiced his career as a civil rights attorney before being elected and serving as a state senator from Illinois from 1997 to 2004. Additionally, he taught constitutional law at the law school of the University of Chicago from 19 to 2004. Following the failure of his nomination in 2000 for a seat in the House of Representatives of the United States, announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a victory in the Democratic primary in March 2004, made a keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in July of that year. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the votes.
As a representative of the Democratic minority in the 109. Congress, cosponsored legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. In the current 110. Congress has sponsored legislation related to lobbying and electoral fraud, global warming, nuclear terrorism, and the return of military personnel to the nation. Since announcing his presidential campaign in February 2007, Obama has emphasized ending the Iraq war, increasing energy independence, and providing universal health care as top national priorities.
Barak Hossain Obama Chronology
born in honolulu USA.
He last met with his father, before dying in a car accident.
returned to live in Honolulu with his maternal grandparents.
where he remained until his graduation from high.
His mother returned to Hawaii.
Ann died of ovarian cancer.
He graduated with academic undergraduate degree in Liberal Arts from Columbia.
first traveled to Europe for three weeks, then went to Kenya for five weeks and met their close relatives from his father.
he entered Harvard Law School Law School and in his first year as a student was selected as editor of the Harvard Law Review.
the first black president of the supplement law was widely picked up by the media and he made detailed biographies.
he returned to Chicago after graduating from Harvard with the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence.
directed the nonprofit organization called Project Vote.
obama got married.
and future promise among the 40 under forty (40 under Forty English).
he joined the law firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a firm made up of twelve lawyers specializing in civil rights and urban economic development.
He served as a partner during the first three years.
as an attorney advisor in the period.
State Legislature.
Campaign for U.S. Senate.
United States Senator
Obama had several roles in the Senate committees linked to the environment and public works.
Obama announced his candidacy for president of the United States against the old state Capitol building in Springfield, Illinois.
Presidential Campaign.
During the Democratic primary vote for president.
became the first African American to be elected president of the United States.
President Obama signed his first bill, which corresponds to the Pay Equity Act and is named after Lilly Ledbetter, a victim of employment discrimination.
an explosion destroyed an offshore rig in the Prospectus of Macondo in the Gulf of Mexico, causing a significant loss of oil.
U.S. Presidency
Obama was a founding member of the board of the organization of youth leadership development known as Public Allies in 1992, but resigned his post shortly before his wife Michelle was promoted as executive director of the same company. In early 1993, was a member of the board of directors of the philanthropic organization of Chicago’s Woods Fund, which in 1985 had been the first foundation that funded the DCP for the years 1993 to 2002. Also served on the board of the Joyce Foundation charitable foundation from 1994 to 2002 . He was also member of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge foundation, serving as founding chairman of the board of directors. He was also board member of the following institutions: the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under the Act (in English Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law), the Technology Center neighborhood (in English Center for Neighborhood Technology), and finally the foundation Lugenia Burns Hope Center.
Domestic Policy
January 29, 2009, President Obama signed his first bill, which corresponds to the Pay Equity Act and is named after Lilly Ledbetter, a victim of employment discrimination. Five days later signed a bill to expand the Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP by its acronym in English) and will enable the coverage of four million uninsured children. In March, lifted the ban imposed by Bush on the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research. [139] Despite the controversy surrounding the use of stem cells, Obama proclaimed that the veto “… tie the hands of scientists and adversely affected the U.S. ability to compete with other countries. “On May 26, 2009 Obama announced Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination as associate justice of the Supreme Court to replace in the under David Souter. On 6 August the same year, the Senate confirmed Judge Sotomayor, becoming the first Hispanic paula-antonio to pursue that position. [141] In this way accompanies Ruth Bader Ginsburg in office, and is in turn the third paula-antonio in the history of the Supreme Court.
Economic Policy
Obama was a founding member of the board of the organization of youth leadership development known as Public Allies in 1992, but resigned his post shortly before his wife Michelle was promoted as executive director of the same company. In early 1993, was a member of the board of directors of the philanthropic organization of Chicago’s Woods Fund, which in 1985 had been the first foundation that funded the DCP for the years 1993 to 2002. Also served on the board of the Joyce Foundation charitable foundation from 1994 to 2002 . He was also member of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge foundation, serving as founding chairman of the board of directors. He was also board member of the following institutions: the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under the Act (in English Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law), the Technology Center neighborhood (in English Center for Neighborhood Technology), and finally the foundation Lugenia Burns Hope Center.
On April 14, 2009, Obama supported his government measures to revive economic growth and strengthen the financial sector. In its financial report, said his plan against the recession shows signs of progress but it will remain a difficult year. Still said the suspension of redundancies in schools and police departments, a rebound in jobs related to environmental sectors and an increase in mortgage refinancing.
Health Reform
Obama asked the Congress to pass health care reform, a key pledge in his campaign and a legislative goal that aims to expand coverage to all Americans. On July 14, 2009 Democrats in the House of Representatives introduced a bill for health care reform and Obama had the expectation that Congress authorize the plan before the end of the year. One component of the proposed health system reform is the creation of an optional insurance for those who do not have the ability to access private insurance, by which we seek to reduce costs and improve the quality of public health. On 9 September, during the extraordinary session of Congress, delivered a speech in which he defended his proposal, also denied all the rumors that emerged in summer by the opposition, noting that the project will cost approximately 900,000 million dollars over a period of ten years. On March 21, 2010, the House of Representatives finally approved the health reform, with amendments such as a ban on using federal funds for abortions, by 219 votes to 212 against .
Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
On April 20, 2010, an explosion destroyed an offshore rig in the Prospectus of Macondo in the Gulf of Mexico, causing a significant loss of oil. The operator of the well, BP initiated a plan of containment and cleanup, and began to drill two relief wells intended to stop the flow. Obama visited the Gulf of Mexico on May 2 because of visits by members of his cabinet, and again on 28 May and 4 June. Started a federal investigation and formed a bipartisan commission to recommend new safety standards following a review by the home secretary, Ken Salazar, and concurrent hearings in Congress. On 27 May, announced a moratorium of six months on new drilling permits and leases in deep water, waiting for regulatory review. As many efforts by BP failed, some in the media and public criticism expressed confusion about various aspects of the incident, and expressed the desire for greater involvement of Obama and the federal government.
Foreign policy
Obama was a founding member of the board of the organization of youth leadership development known as Public Allies in 1992, but resigned his post shortly before his wife Michelle was promoted as executive director of the same company. In early 1993, was a member of the board of directors of the philanthropic organization of Chicago’s Woods Fund, which in 1985 had been the first foundation that funded the DCP for the years 1993 to 2002. Also served on the board of the Joyce Foundation charitable foundation from 1994 to 2002 . He was also member of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge foundation, serving as founding chairman of the board of directors. He was also board member of the following institutions: the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under the Act (in English Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law), the Technology Center neighborhood (in English Center for Neighborhood Technology), and finally the foundation Lugenia Burns Hope Center.
On September 24, 2009, Obama became the first U.S. President to chair a meeting of the Security Council United Nations.
In March 2010, took a public stand against the plans of the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to continue the construction of Jewish housing projects in neighborhoods inhabited predominantly by Arabs in East Jerusalem. During the same month, an agreement was reached with the administration of Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, to replace the Treaty Strategic Arms Reduction, 1991, with a new pact to reduce the number of long-range nuclear weapons in the arsenals of both countries more about a third.
Iraq and Afghanistan war
During his presidential transition in Obama announced that his cabinet would keep Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who was appointed to that position by George W. Bush. Within days of his presidency prompted a change in war strategy of increasing U.S. troop numbers in Afghanistan and reducing the number of troops in Iraq. Similarly, the February 27, 2009 announced that combat missions in Iraq will end on August 31, 2010 and shall be the total withdrawal of U.S. troops in that country in 2011.
On May 11, 2009 Obama replaced the Army General David McKiernan as top commander in Afghanistan with the former Special Forces commander, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, with the conviction that the experience of McChrystal help bring security to Afghans and facilitate the use of counter-insurgency tactics. However, McChrystal resigned on June 23, 2010, because of the publication in Rolling Stone a few harsh criticism of the general and his team for the Obama Administration, for his management and direction of the war in Afghanistan, was replaced by General David Petraeus.