Outsource Technical Support

Top 5 Tips to Outsource Technical Support

Wondering how to successfully and easily outsource technical support for your products and services? Not sure what steps to take and how to find a reliable partner whom you can trust to take care of this area of your business? Read this guide and discover the top 5 tips for safely outsourcing technical support for your business.

Technical support is vital for the smooth running of your business, especially if you’re providing technology-related solutions. The problem is that it can be quite costly in countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom where such specialists usually demand high salaries. For this reason, it is a smart idea to simply outsource this task to offshore departments.

how to find a reliable partner whom you can trust to take care of this area of your business? Read this guide and discover the top 5 tips for safely outsourcing technical support for your business.

Not everything is that simple, however. You still have to be careful and diligent in this process as selecting the wrong outsourcing partner may disrupt your customer experience and even the entire business. But no worries, below we will explain how to do it as safely as possible. So, here are the five tips you must use in practice to successfully accomplish this goal:

Location is the key

  • Examine the technical proficiency of your remote team
  • Examine their level of English (or any other language you need)
  • Check legal information about the company you are reviewing
  • Talk to their previous/current clients

Let us see in detail how to implement each of these tips in practice. The first thing you must remember is…

Location Is the Key

Where your offshore support department is going to be located is what will determine whether this decision to outsource will prove correct or not. If you choose a region where people generally speak poor English then don’t expect your customers will be satisfied with your support service.

Ideally, you want to outsource to a region where most people can boast a high level of education and English fluency, plus positive character traits such as politeness, positivity, kindness, etc. Places like Poland or Ukraine seem to match this description more or less.


Examine Their Technical Knowledge and Skills

Outsource Technical Support

Your remote department is going to provide technical assistance, right? Well, wouldn’t it make sense that the people providing that support should have sufficient technical knowledge and skills needed for this purpose?

Exactly. That’s why you must carefully examine the technical level of every person who is going to be providing support in that remote team. The best way to do it is to check their resumes, credentials, and preferably conduct a background check. For instance, if you are providing support related to Ruby on Rails, you could have all of your team members pass a special test to determine their level of knowledge of this framework.


Examine Their Level of English (or Any Language You Need)

Whatever language your customers speak, you want to be sure that the support department will assist them in that language. Your support staff must be fluent in that language or at least speak it well enough to provide a high-level of assistance which your customers will be satisfied with. A good way to do it is to have all candidates for technical support positions pass language tests to determine their level of fluency.


Check Legal Information

It’s a good idea to run a legal check on the company you are considering outsourcing technical support to. See if it really exists, examine its track record, who the founders and key stakeholders are, and if there have ever been any legal issues, court cases, etc.


Talk to Their Previous and Current Clients

The current and past clients can tell you a lot about the company, even the things you wouldn’t expect to hear. It’s a good idea to check the testimonials the company provides, to see if they are real.



Outsourcing technical support may prove a great business decision if you do it diligently and correctly. Today we have explained how to do it safely without sacrificing customers’ satisfaction with your support service – pick the right location, examine the technical proficiency and language level of your remote support team; check legal information on your potential support partner and talk to their clients. All of these things will help to safely and successfully outsource technical support for your business.

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