Mothers Day Special – Mothers Of Soldiers
Morning of 26 February 2019 was a moment of pride for India as the armed forces of the country had conducted a successful surgical strike on the terror camps of Pakistan. Most of us exhilarated at the moment congratulating our armed forces for their bravery.
But none of us actually thought that these forces do just more than protecting our borders. They actually leave their families and most importantly parents to come and take up a position from where coming back is a 50-50 situation.
Every year lots of army personnel lose their lives in the line of duty a fact which none of us are gracious enough to accept. Instead of understanding the pain of their families we consider this as a topic of careless indulgence.
Families of army men have to lead a life of being on the tenterhooks all the time. They have a posting every two years and by the time they are settled down, it is time to move again. Such frequent changes keep them on the edges yet they manage to do so without any external help.
There is a mention of a mother who receives news of a few army personnel getting martyred in Srinagar on her son’s 30th birthday. On one side she waits to receive any news from the army office or her son and on the other, his wife and daughter are busy preparing his birthday cake. Standing strong the mother anxiously waited till her son called back all the while comforting her granddaughter.
For normal households, it is the man who makes all the major decisions but for an army man’s house, it is the women who have to be the supreme authority. She manages everything from the ration list to the daily tasks all without an ounce of regret in her tone. Plus, she prays every single day that God may grant her son a long life a wish which may or may not be listened to.
And then when people talk about the perks they receive for being an army man is something that really tears them apart. Though the government offers them these perks most of them may actually not survive to avail the facility his whole life. For a woman who gives birth to a son only to lose him at such a tender age, the pain is something which can never end.
A mother who lost her son recently penned down her thoughts through these memorable lines.
“India is a country where everyone has human rights. Rapists, murderers, child molesters, serial killers, terrorists, Maoists. Everyone. Except for soldiers! They are paid to fight, remember? It is their job to die unsung and unlamented, to have their eyes gouged out, to have their dead bodies returned to their families headless”
This is a basic truth for any army personnel a fact which we all conveniently choose to ignore. For women in their family life is not a bed of roses. They have to be prepared to go where the army sends them and still not complain about it. Though the soldiers face a lot of tribulations at the border eventually it is their mothers and wives who have to endure and sacrifice the most back at home.
So next time when you hear the news of any of our armed forces personnel getting their martyred make sure to bow your head for their brave heart who lay his life so that you could lead a life of peace. Also, think about the woman who gave birth to this soldier and shed a few tears for the pain she will have to face her entire life.