How To Make A Transparent Background In Photoshop

Have you ever needed to add a photo design to make a good presentation, illustration, or document? Chances are, you did it with a white background. But this isn’t the only way to work.
Transparent backgrounds give projects and elements more versatility. They make your photos, text, graphics, and drawings appear more life-like.
In this article, we show you how to make a transparent background in a popular photo design software known as Photoshop. Follow our simple steps, and you’ll give your projects a whole new level of sophistication.
Keep reading!
Eraser Tool
Start by opening your image in Photoshop. Duplicate the Background layer by going to Layer > New > Layer via Copy, or pressing Control-J.
With the Eraser tool, erase the areas of the image that you want to be transparent. You can vary the size and hardness of the eraser to get different effects.
When you’re happy with the transparency, go to File > Save As and choose PNG from the Format drop-down menu. This will preserve transparency when you export the image.
Magic Wand
Photoshop’s Magic Wand tool is a quick way to select a large area of solid color. It’s perfect for selecting the background of an image for removal. Here’s how to use it:
Open the image in Photoshop then click on the Magic Wand tool in the toolbox. The Magic Wand will select all pixels that are similar in color so click on the area of the image that you want to select.
To add to the selection, hold down the Shift key and click on additional areas while to subtract from the selection, hold down the Alt key and click on areas that you don’t want to be selected.
When you’re happy with the selection, go to Select > Inverse to inverse the selection and this will select everything except for the background.
To remove the background, go to Layer > New Layer Via Cut. This will cut the selected foreground from the background and place it on a new transparent layer.
Pen Tool
Open up the image that you want to edit in Photoshop. Next, go to the ” pen tool” and make sure that you have the ” path” option selected. Then, trace around the edges of the image that you want to make transparent.
Once you have the path selected, go to the “Select” menu and choose “Inverse”. This will inverse the selection so that everything outside of the path is selected.
Go to the “Layer” menu and choose “Layer Mask” and then “reveal selection”. This will create a layer mask that will make the background of the image transparent.
Online Background Remover
If you have a photo with a background that you want to remove, you can do so with the help of a free online transparent background maker.
With this background remover, simply select the ” transparent” option and your image will be converted into a PNG with a transparent background.
Make a Transparent Background Today
There are many ways to make a transparent background. You can also use the pen tool to make a path around the object you want to keep and then use the stroke command to make the background transparent.
With a little patience, you sure will find the right tool for your needs.
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