WOW! 7 Pics Show How Giraffes Sleep
Take a good look at these giraffe nap pics, because you won’t often catch a giraffe sleeping. In fact, despite being the tallest animal, giraffes have the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal, sleeping an average of just 30 minutes per day. And when they do sleep, usually it’s just for a few minutes; until the 1950s, researchers believed that giraffes don’t sleep at all.
The giraffe is a prey animal, so many of its habits have evolved out of necessity. Since it’s difficult to lie down or get up quickly, sleeping is a huge liability; drinking water is another struggle, since the giraffe’s neck is too short to reach the ground. For this reason they get most of their water from the plants that they eat, and only need to drink water every few days.
So while these sleeping beasts might not seem very impressive, you’re witness something few people have ever seen!
1. God, Remember How Flexible You Were When You Were Young? Now, It Hurts Just To Look At That.
2. Precious And Contorted All At Once.
3. Waking Up With A Crick In Your Neck And Sand In Your Mouth. We’ve All Been There.
4. Looks So Peaceful
5. This Is Just Too Damn Adorable
6. Do These Precious Creatures Sleep Longer While In Captivity?
7. They All Look So Lovely And Peacefull Because They Live In A Predator Free Environment Like A Zoo In Most Photos But Maybe This One. I Spend Ten Years In Africa And Have Never Seen One A Sleep On No Safari In Any Park.. Funny How One Left Even Its Tongue Hang Out Totally Relaxed. Bravo For Your Collection. How Long Did It Take You To Assemble All These .. How Many Naps Did You Have In Between? 🙂