The Importance Of Cerebral Palsy Awareness And Advocacy – And How You Can Help

Globally, over 17 million people live with cerebral palsy, which is defined as a group of disorders that affects a person’s movement and ability to maintain balance/posture. However, despite being such a common disability, there is still a major need for both awareness and advocacy. Whether you know someone who has cerebral palsy or you’d simply like to better show your support for those who do, here’s what you need to know.
Why awareness matters
When it comes to raising cerebral palsy awareness, there are a number of reasons why more is needed. Although the condition is common, there is still a lack of research and dedicated federal funding that those with cerebral palsy could greatly benefit from, especially when it comes to furthering the future of treatment and understanding of the disability. In addition to National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day on March 25th, campaigns like #GOGREEN4CP are working to rectify the issue by spreading awareness on a large scale. However, it’s important to realize that awareness can be spread in multiple other ways as well — such as in workplaces and schools, where education and support can aid in breaking down barriers, encourage a positive conversation, and create more inclusive spaces for those who live with cerebral palsy.
How you can be an active advocate
Because cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability of childhood, parents of children who have cerebral palsy are likely to be their biggest advocates. Cerebral palsy often occurs during pregnancy, birth, or in the early years of life, but it can also occur due to medical mistakes. In these cases, parents may hire a cerebral palsy lawyer in order to further advocate for their child and fight for justice. However, while parents of children with cerebral palsy are often active advocates, it’s important to realize that someone unrelated can be an advocate too.
Those who use their voice and show their support for those with cerebral palsy can greatly help in terms of raising awareness, both in daily life and on a larger scale. One smart way that you can get started as an advocate is by becoming more educated about cerebral palsy. In learning about the disability — as well as any research and advancements — you can better support those in your life who may live with the condition. Showing your support can be done in other ways as well, such as by participating in campaigns, or by making a change at school or work (such as by protesting the need for change).
Both advocacy and awareness are extremely important, and for many reasons. Whether you know someone who lives with the disability or have a child who does, there are several effective and active ways that you can help, starting with getting informed and participating in awareness campaigns.