
Blockchain Tutorial | Blockchain Technology | Blockchain Explained | Blockchain Training

This Edureka Blockchain Tutorial video will give you a complete fundamental understanding regrading Blockchain and Bitcoin. This video helps you to learn following topics:

1. Issues With The Current Banking System.
2. How Bitcoin Can Help Overcome These Issues?
3. Bitcoin Transaction
4. Blockchain To The Rescue
5. Blockchain Concepts
6. Blockchain Features
7. Blockchain Use Case
8. Demo: Banking Use Case

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Why learn Blockchain?

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology. It is an ordered back linked-list data structure of blocks of transactions stored in a decentralized peer- to-peer network.

It is the underlying infrastructure for bitcoin, a popular cryptocurrency. In near future, many companies will be adopting blockchain technologies for trading publicly.

Apart from bitcoin, it can be used for a wide variety of applications such as tracking ownership, digital assets, physical assets, or voting rights. It can also store and run computer code called ‘smart contracts’.

However, blockchain is still new and the communities are still exploring the best ways in which it can be used.

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Source: Edureka Youtube Channel
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